Review - Once upon a time in 2003
Why I am going to fly to Shanghai, China for some days? Well, let me explain my reasons for this crazy idea.As I am an international business student from Europe, I am always looking for a challenge during my years of study. For this upcoming summer 2003 I am still seeking for internship opportunities around the world to get some new perhaps unusual but useful working experience. Obviously, I am not the first student who thinks this way, but however let me tell you more about my litte story or adventure since I am sure that there are many other students who had or will have these kind of problems which I am confronted with right now.
But why Asia, why Shanghai?
Well, I think Shanghai is one of the most dynamic business cities
in the world at the moment. There are so many western corporations
which already built up their own representative offices to develop
this dynamic asian market. Asia is a real challenge! Cultural differences,
intercultural communication, different views of negotiating and many
many more stuffs which are totally different in comparison to western
business thinking.
Ok, now you know why I
am so interested in working in Shanghai....but how to get a job there?
That´s again a very difficult question indeed. Unfortunately
there are only a few internship positions available over there, and
as I wrote before, I am not the only one who wants to gain some experience
over there. So as a matter of fact, usually if you don´t have
any personal contacts to companies based in the city where the huangpu
river divides the metropolitan area of Shanghai, you don´t have
a chance to get a job.
Well, I don´t have any personal contacts over there so far. And as I already sent out over 150 internship applications unsuccessfully, I decided myself not to give up so fast without a struggle.
The idea was born!
As I am looking for a position for this upcoming summer, I decided
to fly to Shanghai now at the end of January 2003 and to talk to company
representatives personally.
But note: I would have never booked a flight to Asia if I haven´t
made some appointments there before.
So here I am - ready to fly to Asia! My flight will be on Friday, 24th January from Germany with a stop-over in Paris to Shanghai Pudong International Airport. I will stay there until Monday, 03rd February. This means, I will have the chance to celebrate Chinese New Year in Shanghai, this will be a great party hopefully.
You have now the chance to read on my daily steps in regards of my adventure journey. I will daily post a thread in my open "Shanghai-trip" diary. Furthermore, I plan to continue writing daily into my diary directly from Shanghai, depends on finding an internet-cafe there.
My first work experience in Shanghai in summer 2003
No doubt, my short
10 days trip to Shanghai in January was crucial for the next steps.
Two weeks after my return to Germany I got accepeted as a three months
trainee in a German consultancy company in Shanghai in summer 2003.
What a great achievement indeed! Without knowing that my second trip
and my three months stay in Shanghai would become the very best time
of life, I started my Shanghai work engagement in June 2003.
In the course of the following three months I met so many kind and lovely persons who in most cases become good friends of mine and with whom I am still in contact today.
The fascination
of Shanghai, the living and working atmosphere did catch me 100%.
Actually I didn't want to go back to Europe after my internship. However,
I had to continue and finish my studies, which at that point in time,
still lasted for two more years. Although having settled back to Europe,
I knew, it wasn't the last time I visited Shanghai!
second work experience in China in summer 2004 --> Hong Kong
With all my positive feelings and rememberings of my stay in Shanghai in summer 2003, I was keen to find another possibility to get back to China one year later in 2004. After months of uncertainty, with a bit of luck, I got a position as an intern in Hong Kong for another three monts in the course of summer 2004.
The engagement there was another great opportunity to learn and understand more about the different culture and business behaviour in Asia. Lucky me, that my work in HK did give me the chance to visit Shanghai for two weeks in July 2004. Excited and thankful for this opportunity, I was curious what kind of things have changed during my abstinence.
many things have changed! Streets became much more crowded. More western
people living in the city, many new bridges have been built in the
meantime. Just an impressive situation facing my eyes.
My third work experience in China in summer 2005, again in Shanghai!
During my two weeks stay in Shanghai in July 2004, I also met my former colleagues and supervisors of the company I worked with a year before (2003).
We discussed several issues and especially a possible collaboration in summer 2005 when I needed to write my diploma thesis. After some negotiation rounds, they accepted my offer which resulted in another two months stay in Shanghai in June, July 2005..
2 year work placement in Shanghai in 2010
After graduating I started working for an Advisory company in Germany. Now that several years have passed my girlfriend got a job offer in Shanghai which was the reason for us to return to Shanghai together for another 2 years. I will continue to work with my company, this time however, for the Shanghai office.
If you are interested in what I experienced from 2003-2010 in Shanghai and Hong Kong, please feel free to browse this weblog. It might hopefully give you hands-on insights.
I am looking forward to your visit on this webpage.
All the best,