September 29, 2005
September 26, 2005
The time is ripe for ... the desert
Now that I've done all my duties, I really need a break, a time-out, time to recover and recharge my batteries. Thus in about two weeks time I am going to relocate in the middle of nowhere....the Arabian desert.
September 23, 2005
Private Equity in China - an analysis for foreign investors
...has been the topic of my thesis. Actually I've never mentioned it before, did I?!
My presentation went perfectly and I am really happy that the work turned out to be of value-added to the company I worked with.
Präsentation: Private Equity in China - eine Analyse für ausländische Investoren
Shanghai Express 5 - 2005
The German Consulate just published the most recent version of its Shanghai Express newsletter (German).
You may want to download it from the FILES section on the right column of this page. Remember the password to open these files is: ""
September 22, 2005
Happy Partying!
Right after my presentation yesterday some very best friends of mine, my boss from Shanghai and myself, we went to the 'Wiesn' (Munich's Oktoberfest) together celebrating my graduation. As I woke up today, I recognised that I lost my glasses somewhere under the beertables :-( ... perhaps just too much partying..
It's done, over and out! studies are over, finally!
September 21, 2005
Today it's the day!
A very good morning to all of you, guys. After having slept terribly tonight I woke up at 7 AM. My boss from Shanghai should have already arrived in Munich, so I am going to give him a call seeing if he's alright.
Talk to you later on...
September 20, 2005
Countdown t-1
My presentation slides are done. The nervousness is increasing from minute to minute. A doctor shouldn't measure my heartbeat now, unless he would hospitalise me. It's hard to believe that all will be over after the next 24 hours. Uaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.....It's time to get calm now.
September 18, 2005
Working in China
Depending on the job you're looking for, the job search can be very disappointing, especially for graduates. Local language skills are essential as one of the e-mails I received indicates:
To those of you who are keen to get a job in China, I strongly recommend to get there 3-6 months in advance. Take an intesive Putonghua (Mandarin) language course, preferably in Beijing as there they speak the "cleanest" language and give your applications a try afterwards. I am confident, your chances may increase dramatically.
September 15, 2005
6 days until my final presentation
Time is running, again. In less than a week I am going to finish my studies by presenting my diploma thesis findings to my professor. As part of the Jury, my boss from Shanghai will fly over to Munich to attend the presentation as well. Really cool, that he takes his precious time. Nevertheless it's now my task prepare the slides and to be honest I am little motivated for this job...*sigh*
Some other news from the job market perhaps: Well, I am very confident in this regard. I just received another call with another positive outcome. Being in the position to choose from several job offers is definitely advantageous. It'll be my task now to carefully evaluate and then choose the smartest pie. Hopefully I am going to come up with a decision before my holiday trip in October.
September 11, 2005
September 11th - A day to remember
It's been four years when the tragedy took place in NYC....this is a contribution to all who still live in fear today.
To view my contribution, click here.
September 05, 2005
German election party in Shanghai
The German Consulate invites all Germans living in Shanghai to join the election party with regard to the German parliament election taking place at 18th September 2005.
For more information, please read this leaflet.
September 01, 2005
Denied Job offer
Today, I needed to decide to accept or reject another job offer. It's been the most difficult decision to take in my whole life I guess. In the end I decided to reject the job offer.